- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Presidential Impact Fellow
- Phone: 979-845-0537
- FAX: 979-847-8578
- Email: caverlee@cse.tamu.edu
- Office: PETR 338
- Website: Personal Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007
- M.S., Computer Science, Stanford University, 2001
- M.S., Engineering-Economic Systems & Operations Research, Stanford University, 2000
- B.A., Economics magna cum laude, Duke University, 1996
Research Interests
- Web-scale information management
- Distributed data-intensive systems
- Information retrieval
- Databases
- Social Computing
Awards & Honors
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2012
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator Award, 2012
- Montague-CTE (Center for Teaching Excellence) Scholar for excellence in undergraduate teaching, 2011-2012
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Young Faculty Award (DARPA YFA), 2010
- Google Research Award, 2009
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Faculty Teaching Award, 2009
Selected Publications
- A. Fayazi, K. Lee, J. Caverlee, and A. Squicciarini, "Uncovering Crowdsourced Manipulation of Online Reviews," SIGIR 2015.
- H. Lu and J. Caverlee, "Exploiting Geo-Spatial Preference for Personalized Expert Recommendation," RecSys 2015.
- Z. Cheng, J. Caverlee, H. Barthwal, and V. Bachani, "Who is the Barbecue King of Texas?: A Geo-Spatial Approach to Finding Local Experts," SIGIR 2014.
- K. Kamath, J. Caverlee, K. Lee, and Z. Cheng, "Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Online Memes: A Study of Geo-Tagged Tweets," WWW 2013.