- Emeritus Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Phone: 979-845-8872
- FAX: 979-458-0718
- Email: rwerger@cse.tamu.edu
- Office: HRBB 417A

Educational Background
- Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995
- M.S. Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1987
- Dipl. Electronic Engineering, Polytechnic Inst., Bucharest, 1980
Research Interests
- Compilers for parallel and distributed computing
- Parallel and distributed C++ libraries
- Adaptive runtime optimizations
- Architectures for parallel computing
Awards & Honors
- Halliburton Professorship Award, 2009
- IBM Faculty Award, 2008
- TEES Fellow, College of Engineering, Texas A&M University 2005-2006
- Elected Member, International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP), WG3.10, 2003
- TEES Fellow, College of Engineering, Texas A&M University 2002-2003
- NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, 1998-2002
- TEES Select Young Faculty Award, College of Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2000-2001
- Best student paper award, co-authored with Silvius Rus, Int. Conference on Supercomputing, New York, NY, 2002
- Best student paper award, co-authored with Steve Saunders, Workshop on Performance Optimization for High-level Languages and Libraries, New York, NY, June 2002
- Intel Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1994
- NASA (Langley) High Performance Computing Consortium (HPCC) Graduate Fellowship, 1994
Selected Publications
- Load Balancing Techniques for Scalable Parallelization of Sampling-Based Motion Planning Algorithms, Adam Fidel, Sam Ade Jacobs, Shishir Sharma, Lawrence Rauchwerger, Nancy M. Amato, Technical Report, TR13-002 , Parasol Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University, Mar 2013. Technical Report(pdf, abstract)
- Efficient Massively Parallel Transport Sweeps, W Hawkins, Timmie Smith, Michael Adams, Lawrence Rauchwerger, Nancy Amato, Marvin Adams, Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc., 107(1):477-481, Nov 2012. Journal(pdf)
- The STAPL Parallel Graph Library, Harshvardhan, Adam Fidel, Nancy M. Amato, Lawrence Rauchwerger, In Wkshp. on Lang. and Comp. for Par. Comp. (LCPC), Tokyo, Japan, Sep 2012. Proceedings(pdf, abstract)
- Logical inference techniques for loop parallelization, Lawrence Rauchwerger, Cosmin Oancea, In Prog. Lang. Design and Implementation (PLDI), pp. 509-520, New York, NY, USA, Jun 2012. Proceedings(pdf, abstract)
- A Hybrid Approach to Proving Memory Reference Monotonicity, Cosmin Oancea, Lawrence Rauchwerger, In Wkshp. on Lang. and Comp. for Par. Comp. (LCPC), Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.A., Sep 2011. Proceedings(pdf, abstract)
- The STAPL Parallel Container Framework, Gabriel Tanase, Antal Buss, Adam Fidel, Harshvardhan, Ioannis Papadopoulos, Olga Pearce, Timmie Smith, Nathan Thomas, Xiabing Xu, Nedhal Mourad, Jeremy Vu, Mauro Bianco, Nancy M. Amato, Lawrence Rauchwerger, In Proc. ACM SIGPLAN Symp. Prin. Prac. Par. Prog. (PPOPP), Feb 2011. Proceedings(pdf, abstract)
- The STAPL pView, Antal Buss, Adam Fidel, Harshvardhan, Timmie Smith, Gabriel Tanase, Nathan Thomas, Xiabing Xu, Mauro Bianco, Nancy M. Amato, Lawrence Rauchwerger, In Wkshp. on Lang. and Comp. for Par. Comp. (LCPC), Oct 2010. Also, Technical Report, TR10-001, Parasol Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University, Jul 2010. Proceedings(pdf, abstract) Technical Report(pdf, abstract)
- STAPL: Standard Template Adaptive Parallel Library, Antal Buss, Harshvardhan, Ioannis Papadopoulos, Olga Tkachyshyn, Timmie Smith, Gabriel Tanase, Nathan Thomas, Xiabing Xu, Mauro Bianco, Nancy M. Amato, Lawrence Rauchwerger, In Haifa Experimental Systems Conference, Haifa, Israel, May 2010. Proceedings(pdf, abstract)
- The STAPL pList, Gabriel Tanase, Xiabing Xu, Antal Buss, Harshvardhan, Ioannis Papadopoulos, Olga Tkachyshyn, Timmie Smith, Nathan Thomas, Mauro Bianco, Nancy M. Amato, Lawrence Rauchwerger, In Wkshp. on Lang. and Comp. for Par. Comp. (LCPC), Newark, Delaware, Oct 2009. Proceedings(pdf, abstract)
- Two Memory Allocators that Use Hints to Improve Locality, Alin Jula, Lawrence Rauchwerger, In International Symposium on Memory Management, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, Jun 2009. Proceedings(pdf, abstract)