- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Phone: 979-324-6022
- Email: hammond@cse.tamu.edu
- Office: EABC 103
- Website: Personal Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D. (Computer Science), Massachusetts Institute Technology
- Finance Technology Option (FTO), Massachusetts Institute Technology
- M.A (Anthropology), Columbia University
- M.S. (Computer Science), Columbia University
- B.A. (Mathematics), Columbia University
- B.S. (Applied Mathematics), Columbia University
Research Interests
- Sketch recognition
- Perception
- Cognitive behavior
- Computer human interaction
- Artificial intelligence
- Concept learning
- Computer graphics
- Psychology
- Anthropology
- The gender gap in computer science
Awards & Honors
- Best Paper Case Study Honorable Mention, CHI 2013
- IAAI Innovative Applications of AI Deployed Application Award, 2012
- Charles H. Barclay Jr. '45 College of Engineering Faculty Fellow, 2012
- Invited Speaker, Smart Graphics, Bremen Germany, 2011
- Best Paper Nomination, SBIM 2010
- Scholarship Recipient: TAMU Assessment Conference, 2008
- Brown University Scholarship Recipient, "Sketch Recognition at Texas A&M University," Invited Workshop on Pen-centric Computing. Brown University, Providence, RI, 2007
- Scholarship Recipient, Texas A&M University Assessment Conference, 2007
- Invited Conference Guest Speaker, University of Houston, IDSA Texas Chapter Design Odyssey 9, Demonstrating the New Sketch Recognition Software Tool, 2007
- Best Paper Award, Student Oxygen Workshop, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004
- Doctorial Consortium, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2003
- New Faculty Fellow, Frontiers in Education, 2002
- Clare Booth Luce Fellowship 2000, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Excellent TA Award (2x), Columbia University, Fall-1999, Spring 2000
- MSTA Award (2x), Columbia University, Spring-1999, Fall-1999
Selected Publications
- 2010 Hammond, T., and Davis, R. "Creating a Perception-based Language for Sketch Recognition by Looking at How People Naturally Define Shapes." Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2010), Arhus, Denmark, August 18-20, 2010. [15%]
- 2010 Hammond, T., Logsdon, D. (student), Paulson, B. (student), Johnston, J. (student), Peschel, J. (student), Wolin, A. (student), and Taele, P (student). "A Sketch Recognition System for Recognizing Free-Hand Course of Action Diagrams." The Twenty-Second Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Atlanta, Georgia, July 11-15, 2010. [39%]
- 2010 Dixon, D. (student), Prasad, M. (student), and Hammond, T. "iCanDraw? Using Sketch Recognition and Corrective Feedback to Assist a User in Drawing Human Faces." ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, April 10-15, 2010. [22%]
- 2009 Bhat, A. (student), and Hammond, T. "Using Entropy to Differentiate Between Shape and Text in Hand Drawn Diagrams." Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2009), Pasadena, California, July 11-17, 2009. [25%]
- 2009 Taele, P. (student), and Hammond, T. "Hashigo: A Next-Generation Sketch Interactive System for Japanese Kanji." Twenty-First Innovative Applications Artificial Intelligence Conference (IAAI 2009), Pasadena, California, July 14-16, 2009. [32%]
- 2008 Paulson, B. (student), & Hammond, T. "PaleoSketch: Accurate Primitive Sketch Recognition and Beautification." Proceedings of Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) January 2008. [16%]
- 2008 Paulson, B. (student), & Hammond, T. "Office Activity Recognition Using Hand Posture Cues." Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) September 2008. [30%]
- 2006 Hammond, T. & Davis, R. "Interactive Learning of Structural Shape Descriptions from Automatically Generated Near-miss Examples." Proceedings of Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) January 2006. [22%]
- 2004 Hammond, T & Davis, R. "Automatically Transforming Symbolic Shape Descriptions for Use in Sketch Recognition." Proceedings of the Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) July 2004. [26%]
- 2003 Hammond, T. & Davis, R. (2003). "LADDER: A Language to Describe Drawing, Display, and Editing in Sketch Recognition." Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2003. [20%]