- Instructional Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Phone: 409-740-5517
- Email: hantran@tamu.edu
- Office: SAGC 707 (Sea Aggie Center-Galveston)

Educational Background
- Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Utah, 2024
- M.S., Mechanics of Construction, University of Liege – 2003
- B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Architecture, Ho Chi Minh City – 1997
Research Interests
- High-performance parallel algorithms
- Scientific computing
- Computational mechanics
Selected Publications
- Han D. Tran, Siddharth Saurav, P. Sadayappan, Sandip Mazumder, and Hari Sundar, "Scalable parallelization for the solution of phonon Boltzmann Transport Equation", 37th International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS '23), 2023, pp. 215-226.
- Han D. Tran, M. Fernando, K. Saurabh, B. Ganapathysubramanian, R.M. Kirby and H. Sundar, “A scalable adaptive-matrix SpMV for heterogeneous architectures”, 2022 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2022, pp. 13-24.
- Han D. Tran and Mark E. Mear, “Calculation of T-stress for cracks in two-dimensional anisotropic elastic media by boundary integral equation method”, International Journal of Fracture (2018) 211:149-162.
- B.H. Nguyen, H.D. Tran, C. Anitescu, X. Zhuang and T. Rabczuk, “An isogeometric symmetric Galerkin boundary element method for two-dimensional crack problems”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2016) 306:252-275.
- Han D. Tran, Deborah L. Sulsky and Howard L. Schreyer, “An anisotropic elastic-decohesive constitutive relation for sea ice”, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (2015) 39: 988-1013.