• Professor of Practice, Computer Science & Engineering
Pauline Wade

Educational Background

  • M.S., Computer Science, Columbia University, New York – 1991
  • B.S., Computer Science, Texas A&M University – 1987

Research Interests

    • Engineering Education pedagogy for software quality assurance
    • Software Engineering methodology
    • Empirical software engineering practices

Industry Experience

    • Tenured Faculty at the University of the Philippines, Cebu, in the Computer Science program
    • Establishment of the Department of Science & Technology-UP Cebu Technology Business Incubator (TBI), the first operational university-based incubator in the Philippines.
    • Systems Programmer at Texas A&M University
    • Systems Engineer at AT&T Bell Laboratories
    • Systems Analyst for the AT&T Wireless Network group
    • Technical Sales for Lucent Technologies, Microelectronics business unit
    • Assistant Vice President at Alliance Software, leading internal systems development and employee professional development
    • Founder of a tech consulting business, where she helped organizations with systems development, quality assessment, and software training

Awards & Honors

  • 2021 Isadore T. Davis Award for Excellence in Collaboration of Engineering Education and Industry, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
  • Certified Project Management Professional of the Project Management Institute, 2008-Present
  • University of the Philippines Cebu (UP Cebu) 2014 Dean’s recognition for the establishment of the Department of Science & Technology-UP Cebu Technology Business Incubator which received the 2017 University of the Philippines President’s Excellence in Public Service Award
  • Nominated for the 2014 Department of Science and Technology Outstanding Technology - Commercialization Award for contribution to technological development
  • Member of the Board for the Professional Certification and Training Center, Cebu Educational Development Foundation for Information Technology (CEDF-IT), 2004

Selected Publications

  • Hammond, T., Wadet.al. "A Student-Led Ethics Deep Dive, Discussion, and Content-Generation Ethics Assignment in Computer Science," Engineering Capstone. 2024 ASEE Annual Conference; Exposition Proceedings.
  • Wade, P., Hammond, T., et. al.. (2023). Work in Progress Paper: Learning Software Quality Assurance using Audits. 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1–5.
  • Hammond, T., Wade, P., et. al. (2021, October). "A Virtual Community of Practice for Enhanced Teaching and Convergence to Strengthen Student Learning, Engagement, and Inclusion." In 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  • Hammond, T. A., Wade, P., et. al. (2021, August), "Creating a Supportive Space for Teaching-Focused Faculty to Write About their Teaching Paper presented at 2021 First-Year Engineering Experience, Virtual.
  • Wonson, S., Wade, P., et. al. (2020). "Exploring the Relationship Between Participation in a Living-Learning Community and Professional and Engineering Identities." Journal of College & University Student Housing, 47(1), 62–84.
  • Wade, P. (2010). "Case Study for the UP Cebu-DOST Technology Business Incubator (TBI), Development Guidelines for Technology Business Incubators. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Germany, Business Incubation in Southeast Asia, InWEnt Capacity Building International Germany."
  • Senarillos, J. P., Wade, P. (2010). "Integrated Knowledge Management and Risk Management System." University of the Philippines Cebu Report.
  • Tan, D., Wade, P. (2010). "Prediction Model for Employee Turnover and Reason for Separation." University of the Philippines Cebu Report.
  • Samson, S. D., Wade, P. (2010). "PRISM Activity Scheduler, an Intelligent Project Scheduling Software." University of the Philippines Cebu Report.
  • Paras, R., Wade, P. (2010). "A Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Process Model Utilizing Evolutionary Prototyping." University of the Philippines Cebu Report.