- Senior Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Professor Emeritus
- Phone: 979-845-5585
- FAX: 979.458.4299
- Email: richf@tamu.edu
- Office: ETB 4011

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, Northwestern University - 1975
Research Interests
Dr. Rich Feldman specializes in simulation, applied probability and operations research. Some of his recent research involves simulation, queueing analysis and software development for biological models. He teaches the operations research courses, stochastic processes, simulation and queueing theory. For teaching simulation, he uses Simio simulation software under a grant from Simio LLC.
Awards & Honors
- Tenneco Award for Teaching Excellence, Engineering College, 4/10, 9/96.
- B. P. Amoco Teaching Excellence Award, Engineering College, 9/00.
- Most Valuable Professor Award by the IE Student Honor Society, 4/06, 4/00, 4/98, 4/97, 4/92, 11/89, 12/88.
- Alcoa Foundation Research Award for Manufacturing Modeling, 6/96.
- Association of Former Students Distinguished Teaching Award, University Level, 5/90.
- General Dynamics Award for Teaching Excellence, Engineering College, 10/88.
- Halliburton Professorship for the 1987-88 academic year, 9/87.
- Association of Former Students Teaching Award, Engineering College, 9/84.
Selected Publications
- Curry, G.L. and Feldman, R.M. (2011). Manufacturing Systems Modeling and Analysis, Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 327pp.
- Feldman, R.M. and C. Valdez-Flores (2010). Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes, Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 397pp.
- Curry, G.L. Deuermeyer, and R.M. Feldman (1989). Discrete Simulation: Fundamentals and Microcomputer Support, Holden-day, Inc., Oakland, CA., 297pp.
- Curry, G.L. and R.M. Feldman (1987). Mathematical Foundations of Population Dynamics, Texas Engineering Experiment Station Research Monograph, Texas A&M University Press, College Station, TX.,246pp.
- Birt A, R.M. Feldman, D.M. Cairns, R.N. Coulson, M. Tchakerian, W. Xi, J.M Guldin (2009) "Stage Structured Matrix Models for Organisms with Non-Geometric Development Times." Ecology, 90:57-68.