- Associate Department Head
- Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- Director, Materials Characterization Facility
- Phone: 979-845-5114
- FAX: 979-845-3081
- Email: mradovic@tamu.edu
- Office: RDMC 213

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel University - 2001
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade - 1997
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade - 1992
Research Interests
- High temperature materials for energy applications
- Processing of advanced ceramic materials
- Characterization and modeling of mechanical properties of ceramic and metallic materials
- Reliability and durability of ceramic materials and components
- Processing and characterization of materials for Fuel Cells
- Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
Awards & Honors
- 2006 Listed in Marquis Whos Who in America
- 2005 Author of Microphotographs chosen for on the ASM official screen server
- 2004 Cover of the Journal of American Ceramic Society
- 2002 ASM-ITS 2002 International Metallographic Contest Honorable Mention
- 2001 1st Place in Student poster presentation category for poster presented at 2001 Cocoa Beach Conference
- 2001 Scholarship for the Gordon Research Conference Solid State Studies in Ceramics.
- 2001 A.W. Grosvenor Award for Academic Performance, Department of Materials Engineering, Drexel University.
- 2000 Sigma Xi Award for the Presentation of Research Results at Drexel and MCP Hahnemann Universities Research Day, Drexel University.
- 1993 Stipend for Talented Young Scientist awarded by the Ministry for Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia.
Selected Publications
- M. Radovic, M.W. Barsoum, A. Ganguly, T. Zhen, P. Finkel, S. R. Kalidindi and E. Lara-Curzio On the Elastic Properties and Mechanical Damping of Ti3SiC2, Ti3GeC2, Ti3Si0.5Al0.5C2 and Ti2AlC, in the 300-1573 K Temperature Range, Acta. Mat. 54 (2006) 2757-2767
- T. Zhen, M. W. Barsoum and S. R. Kalidindi, M. Radovic, Z. M. Sun and T. El-Raghy, Compressive Creep of Fine and Coarse-Grained T3SiC2 in Air in the 1100 to 1300 °C Temperature Range, Acta. Mater. 53 (2005) 4963-4973
- M. Barsoum, M. Radovic, T. Zhen, P. Finkel and S. Kalidindi, Dynamic Elastic Hysteretic Solids and Dislocations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 085501-1
- S.K. Khanna, X. Long, W.D. Porter, H. Wang, C.O. Stevens, M. Radovic and E. Lara-Curzio, Determination of Thermophysical and Thermomechanical Properties of 5754 and 6111 Aluminum Alloys for Spot Welding Simulation Application, Sci. and Tech. of Welding and Joining 10 (2005) 82
- M. W. Barsoum and M. Radovic, Mechanical Properties of Mn+1AXn, Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Technology, Eds. Buschow, Cahn, Flemings, Kramer, Mahajan and P. Veyssiere, Elsevier Science (2004)
- M. Radovic and Edgar Lara-Curzio, Mechanical Properties of Tape Cast Nickel-based Anode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Before and After Reduction in Hydrogen, Acta. Mater. 52 (2004) 5747
- M. Radovic and E. Lara-Curzio Changes of Elastic Properties of SOFC Anode during the Reduction of NiO to Ni in Hydrogen, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 87 (2004) 2242
- A. Murugaiah, A. Souchet, T. El-Raghy, M. Radovic, M. Sundberg and M. Barsoum, Tape Casting, Pressureless Sintering, and Grain Growth in Ti3SiC2 Compounds, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 87 (2004) 550.
- M. Radovic, E. Lara-Curzio, L. Rieser, "Comparison of Different Experimental Techniques for Determination of Elastic Properties of Solids", Mater. Sci. Eng. 368 (2004) 56-70
- M. Radovic, M.W. Barsoum, T. El-Raghy, S. Wiederhorn, "Tensile Creep of Coarse Grained Ti3SiC2 in the 1000-1200 oC Temperature Range", accepted in J. of Alloys and Compounds 361 (2003) 299-312
- M.W. Barsoum, T. Zhen, S. Kalidindi, M. Radovic and A. Murugaiah, Fully Reversible Plasticity Up to 1 GPa in Ti3SiC2, Nature Materials 2 (2003) 107-111
- M. W. Barsoum, L. H. Ho-Duc, M. Radovic and T. El-Raghy, Long Time oxidation Study of Ti3SiC2, Ti3SiC2/SiC and Ti3SiC2/TiC Composites in Air, J Electrochem. Soc. 150 (2003) 166-175
- M. Radovic, M.W. Barsoum, T. El-Raghy, S. Wiederhorn and W. Luecke, Effect of Temperature, Strain Rate and Grain Size on the Mechanical Response of Ti3SiC2 in Tension, Acta Mat. 50 (2002) 1297-1306
- M. Radovic, M.W. Barsoum, T. El-Raghy, S. Wiederhorn, "Tensile Creep of Fine Grained Ti3SiC2 in the 1000-1200 oC Temperature Range", Acta Mat. 49 (2001) 4103-4112
- M.W. Barsoum, M. Radovic, P. Finkel, T. El-Raghy, Ti3SiC2 and Ice, Appl. Phys. Let. 79 (4), (2001) 479-481
- M. Radovic, M.W. Barsoum, T. El-Raghy, J. Seidensticker, S. Wiederhorn, "Tensile Properties of Ti3SiC2 in the 25-1200 oC Temperature Range", Acta Mat. 48 (2000) 453-459