- Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- University Distinguished Professor
- Erle Nye ’59 Chair I
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- Phone: 979-458-3182
- Email: pharr@tamu.edu
- Office: RDMC 244

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University - 1979
- M.S., Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University - 1977
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Rice University - 1975
Research Interests
- Nanoindentation and small-scale mechanical testing
- Mechanisms of plasticity and fracture, especially at small-scales
- Finite element simulation of indentation contact
- Contact mechanics
- Dislocation modeling of plastic deformation
Awards & Honors
- ASM Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers of Metallurgy (1984)
- Amoco Teaching Award for Superior Teaching, Rice University (1994)
- Fellow of ASM International (1995); MRS (2012); TMS (2015)
- Humboldt Foundation Research Award for Senior U.S. Scientists (2007)
- Innovation in Materials Characterization Award, Materials Research Society (2010)
- National Academy of Engineering (2014)
- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Nadai Medal (2018)
Selected Publications
- R.S. Ginder, W.D. Nix and G.M. Pharr, “A Simple Model for Indentation Creep”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 112, pp. 552-562 (2018).
- M. Ghidelli, M. Sebastiani, K. E. Johanns, and G. M. Pharr, “Effects of Indenter Geometry on Micro-scale Fracture Toughness Measurement by Pillar Splitting, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100, pp. 5731-5738 (2017).
- B. Merle, V. Maier-Kiener, and G.M. Pharr, “Influence of Modulus-to-Hardness Ratio and Harmonic Parameters on Continuous Stiffness Measurement during Nanoindentation”, Acta Materialia 134, pp. 167-176 (2017).
- K.E. Johanns, J.H. Lee, Y.F. Gao, and G.M. Pharr, “An Evaluation of the Advantages and Limitations of Simulating Indentation Cracking with Cohesive Zone Finite Elements”, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 22, 015011 (2014).
- P. Sudharshan Phani, K.E. Johanns, E.P. George, and G.M. Pharr, “A Simple Stochastic Model for Yielding in Specimens with a Limited Number of Dislocations”, Acta Materialia 61, pp. 2489-2499 (2013).