- Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- Meinhard H. Kotzebu ‘14 Professor
- Director, Polymer Technology Consortia
- Phone: 979-845-5024
- FAX: 979-862-6835
- Email: hjsue@tamu.edu
- Office: RDMC 220
- Website: Research Webpage

Educational Background
- Ph. D., Macromolecular Science and Engineering Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - 1988
- M.S.E., Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - 1987
- M.S.E., Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - 1985
- B.E., Chemical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung-Li, Taiwan - 1981
Research Interests
To conduct research on dispersion and assembly of nanomaterials for nanotechnology, energy sector, and microelectronic applications; surface damage phenomena of polymers; fracture, toughening, and strengthening of polymers, blends, polyolefin films, fiber-reinforced composites, coatings, laminates, adhesives and nanocomposites.
Awards & Honors
- Patent and Innovations of the Year Award, Office of Technology Commercialization, TAMU, 2019.
- Specially Dedicated ACS Symposium for 60th Birthday, 256th ACS National Conferences, Boston, August 19-23, 2018.
- Faculty Fellow, Texas A&M University, 2002-2007
- Honorary Chair Professor, State Key Lab of Polymer Materials Engineering, Sichuan Univ., Sichuan, China, 2013-2016.
- Distinguished Speaker Award, Chinese American Society of Plastics Engineers, 2014.
Selected Publications
- C. Liu, Z. Zhu, G. Molero, Q. Chen, M. Mullins, M. Kotaki, and H.-J. Sue, “Mechanical Behavior of Self-curing Epoxy Nanocomposites”, Polymer, 179, 121631(2019).
- G. Molero and H.-J. Sue, “Scratch Behavior of Model Epoxy Resins with Different Crosslinking Densities”, Mater. & Design, DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2019.107965.
- B. Wang, K.F. Arias, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, Z. Jiang, H.-J. Sue, N. Currie-Gregg, S. Bouslog, Z.J. Pei, S. Wang, “3D printing of in-situ curing thermally insulated thermosets”, Manufact. Lett., 21, 1-6(2019).
- S. Xiao and H.-J. Sue, “Effect of Molecular Weight on Scratch and Wear Behaviors of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers”, Polymer, 169, 124-130(2019).
- HowZ. Jiang, T. Bremner, and H.-J. Sue, “Effect of Annealing on The Viscoelastic Behavior of Poly(ether-ether-ketone)”, Polymer, 160, 231-237(2019).