- Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Phone: 979-845-1538
- FAX: 979-845-3081
- Email: hhogan@tamu.edu
- Office: MEOB 218, ZACH 530N
- Linkedin: Profile

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University — 1984
- M.S., Biomedical Engineering, Louisiana Tech University — 1981
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana Tech University – 1979
- B.S., Biomedical Engineering, Louisiana Tech University — 1979
Research Interests
Bone biomechanics and mechanical properties
Rodent animal models, simulated space flight, exercise and pharmacologic countermeasures, as well as other osteoporosis risk factors
Development of specialized techniques for characterizing mechanical properties of bone tissue from rodent (mouse and rat) animal models.
Awards & Honors
- Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching, 2018
- Mechanical Engineering Industrial Advisory Council Outstanding Faculty Contribution Award, 2015
- Charles M. Crawford Service Award, 2010-2011, Look College of Engineering
- ASME Fellow, 2008
- Mervin and Annette Peters Advising Award, Texas A&M University President's Award, May 2007
- ASME South Texas Section Claude L. Wilson Award, April 2006
- ASME South Texas Section Meritorious Service Award, April 2005
- Ruth and William Neely '52/Dow Chemical Faculty Fellow, 2004-2005, Texas A&M University College of Engineering
- Peggy L. and Charles T. Brittan Teaching Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2002
- Orthopedics and Musculoskeletal Study Section Member, National Institutes of Health, 10/976/02
Selected Publications
- Mantri AV, Allaway HCM, Brezicha JE, Hogan HA, Bloomfield SA, "Oral Estradiol Impact on Mitigating Unloading-Induced Bone Loss in Ovary-Intact Rats," Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 92(2):65-74, February 2021.
- Metzger C.E., Narayanan, S.A., Elizondo, J.P., Carter, A.M., Zawieja, D.C., Hogan, H.A., Bloomfield, S.A., "DSS-Induced Colitis Produces Inflammation-Induced Bone Loss While Irisin Treatment Mitigates the Inflammatory State in both Gut and Bone," Scientific Reports. 9, Article Number: 15144 (2019).
- Metzger, C.E., Brezicha, J.E., Elizondo, J.P., Narayanan, N., Hogan, H.A., Bloomfield, S.A., "Differential Responses of Mechanosensitive Osteocyte Proteins in Fore- and Hindlimbs of Hindlimb Unloaded Rats," Bone, 105:26-34, December 2017.
- Shirazi-Fard, Y., Metzger, C.E., Kwaczala, A.T., Judex, S., Bloomfield, S.A., Hogan, H.A., "Moderate Intensity Resistive Exercise Improves Metaphyseal Cancellous Bone Recovery Following an Initial Disuse Period, but Does Not Mitigate Decrements During a Subsequent Disuse Period in Adult Rats," Bone, 66:296-305, September 2014.
- Shirazi-Fard, Y., Anthony, R.A., Kwaczala, A.T., Judex, S., Bloomfield, S.A., Hogan, H.A., "Previous Exposure to Simulated Microgravity Does Not Exacerbate Bone Loss During Subsequent Exposure in the Proximal Tibia of Adult Rats," Bone, 56(2):461-473, October 2013.