- Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Morris E. Foster Faculty Fellow II
- Phone: 979-458-8121
- Email: cblee@tamu.edu
- Office: MEOB 320
- Website: Research Webpage
- Linkedin: Profile

Educational Background
- Postdoctoral research, Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina — 2013
- Ph.D., Mechatronics, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology — 2012
- M.S., Mechatronics, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology — 2008
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Ang University — 2006
Research Interests
- Semiconductor metrology and inspection
- Interferometry for length, surface and volume measurements.
- Three-dimensional imaging
- Machine tool metrology
- Dynamic system (mechatronics) metrology and inspection
- Robotic machining processes
- Magnetic/Electric/Optical spectroscopy
Awards & Honors
- 2021 Emerging Leaders, Institute of Physics
- 2020 ASME Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award
- 2019 Best Alumni Award, GIST
- 2017 Kinslow Research Award (Honorable Mention) at TN Tech
- 2017 American Society for Precision Engineering Best Researcher Award
- 2017 Research and Economic Development Award at TN Tech
Selected Publications
- Heebum Chun, Jingyan Wang, Jungsub Kim, and ChaBum Lee, Wafer Particle Inspection Technique Using Computer Vision based on Color Space Transform Model, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-023-11888-y
- William Park, Heebum Chun, Phuc Nguyen, and ChaBum Lee, A Differentially Amplified Hall Effect Displacement Sensor for Positioning Control of a Long-Range Flexure Stage, Review of Scientific Instruments, Rev Sci Instrum 94, 075003 (2023).
- Yinhe Wang, Xiangyu Guo, Jungsub Kim, Pengfei Lin, Kuan Lu, Hyunjae Lee, and ChaBum Lee, A Single Camera Unit-based Three-Dimensional Surface Imaging Technique, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-023-11866-4
- Jungsub Kim, Heebum Chun, Phuc Nguyen, Bruce Li-Jung Tai, and ChaBum Lee, Geometric part error and material property profile separation technique of the additively manufactured and post-processed rods, Review of Scientific Instruments, 94, 035109 (2023).
- Jungsub Kim, Songhyun Joo, Jungsoo Nam, Mathew Kuttolamadom, and ChaBum Lee, Non-destructive surface and subsurface characterization of the machined parts by using fiber optic eddy current sensor, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 95, 492-496 (2023)