- Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- James J. Cain Professor I
- Phone: 979-845-5280
- FAX: 979-845-3081
- Email: a-palazzolo@tamu.edu
- Office: MEOB 123
- Website: Research Webpage
- Linkedin: Profile

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering University of Virginia – 1981
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering University of Virginia – 1977
- B.S., Engineering Physics University of Toledo – 1976
Research Interests
- rotordynamics,
- magnetic bearings, motors, flywheels, electromechanical systems
- fluid film bearings, seals and impeller flow and forces
- vibrations, geothermal drilling dynamics
- hemodynamics, and ventricular and cavopulmonary assist devices
- computational methods in mechanics.
Awards & Honors
- ASME J. of Tribology, Best paper of the year - 2016
- ASME J. of Tribology, Best paper of the year - 2014
- 13th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Lifetime achievement award - 2012
- ASME Fellow - 2006
- R&D 100 Award, Ultra high temperature magnetic bearing - 2003
- TEES Senior Fellow - 1999
Selected Publications
- Shin, D., Suh, J. and Palazzolo, A., “Parametric Study of Flexure Pivot Bearing Induced Thermal Bow-Rotor Instability (Morton effect)”. ASME J. of Tribology, TRIB-21-1263
- Yang, Jongin and Palazzolo, Alan, “Deep convolutional autoencoder augmented CFD thermal analysis of bearings with inter pad groove mixing”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 188, 1 June 2022, 122639 , https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0017931022001211
- Kim, Baik Jin, Oh, Joseph and Palazzolo, A., “Test and Theory for a Refined Structural Model of a Hirth Coupling”, ASME J. of Engineering and Gas Turbines for Power, Mar 2022, 144(3): 031027 (11 pages)
- Li, X. and Palazzolo, A. , “A review of flywheel energy storage systems: state of the art and opportunities”, J. of Energy Storage (Elsevier), Volume 46, February 2022, 103576
- Yang*, Jongin and Palazzolo, Alan, “Tilt Pad Bearing Distributed Pad Inlet Temperature With Machine Learning—Part II: Morton Effect”, ASME J. Tribology Jun 2022, 144(6): 061801 (20 pages)