- Adjunct Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Email: apolycarpou@tamu.edu
- Website: Research Webpage

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo – 1994
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo – 1992
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo – 1990
Research Interests
- Micro/nanotribology of magnetic head disk interfaces and microelectromechanical systems
- Tribology of devices for reduced energy and improved environmental-related impact
- Microtribology related to miniature systems
- System dynamics and modeling
- Experimental design and instrumentation
Awards & Honors
- National Academy of Inventors - Senior Member - 2021
- Edwin F. Church Medal, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - 2019
- Mayo D. Hersey Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - 2018
- Fellow, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) - 2013
- Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - 2008
- Walter D. Hodson Award, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) - 2008
- Fulbright Scholar, The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, Cyprus - 2007
- Edmond E. Bisson Award, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) - 2007
- National Science Foundation Faculty CAREER Award - 2003
- Burt L. Newkirk Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - 2001
Selected Publications
- Rahman, M.S., J. Ding, A. Beheshti, X. Zhang, and A.A. Polycarpou, “Helium tribology of Inconel 617 at elevated temperatures up to 950C: Parametric study,” Nuclear Sci and Engr., 2019.
- Humood, M., M.H. Ghamary, P. Lan, L.L. Iaccino, X. Bao, and A.A. Polycarpou, “Influence of additives on the friction and wear reduction of oil-based drilling fluid,” Wear, 422-423,151-160, 2019.
- Humood, M., Y. Shi, M. Han, J. Lefebvre, Z. Yan, M. Pharr, Y. Zhang, Y. Huang, J.A. Rogers, and A.A. Polycarpou, “Fabrication and deformation of 3D multilayered kirigami microstructures,” Small, 14 (11), 1703852-1-9, 2018.
- Economy, J., A.A. Polycarpou, and J. Meyer, “Polymer coating system for improved tribological performance,” United States Patent, 9,534,138, 2017.
- Humood, M., S. Qin, Y. Song, K. Polychronopoulou, Y. Zhang, J.C. Grunlan, and A.A. Polycarpou, “The Influence of Graphene Reduction and Polymer Cross-Linking on Improving the Interfacial Properties of Multilayer Thin Films,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9(1), 1107-1118, 2017.