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David “Alan” James ’90 and Leigh Ann James ’90 in front of a bay.
Leigh Ann ’90 and David "Alan" James ’90 | Image: Courtesy of David “Alan” James and Leigh Ann James.

Leigh ’90 and David “Alan” James, Jr. ’90 are not only former Texas A&M University students, but also proud parents to two Aggies, Kyle '18 and Matthew '20. Their love for Texas A&M and their children inspired them to create the Elizabeth ’20 and Matthew James ’20 College of Engineering Global Programs Scholarship.

The Path to Aggieland

Before Alan attended Texas A&M, he had no previous knowledge of the school and knew little about Texas. Alan enrolled because of a Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps scholarship and his interest in ocean engineering. However, he quickly fell in love with Texas and developed a sense of pride in being an Aggie.

As a member of the Corps of Cadets in Company D-1, he could not be more grateful for the guidance and support of those who took him under their wings as he adjusted to a new, unfamiliar environment. The friendships forged from trips to each other’s hometowns made Alan feel part of the Aggie family.

“Leaving home to come to A&M was hugely uncomfortable as a 17-year-old,” Alan said. “It is when we get uncomfortable that we truly can grow.”

Unlike Alan, Leigh knew that Texas A&M was the school she was destined to attend, and she did not apply to any other university. Following in both her father's and grandfather’s footsteps, you could say she bled maroon from birth.

To Infinity and Abroad

Both of their sons followed in their parents’ footsteps and attended Texas A&M. Their youngest, Matthew, graduated in 2020 with a bachelor's in civil engineering.

Elizabeth ’20 and Matthew James ’20 at a football game.
Elizabeth ’20 and Matthew James ’20 | Image: Courtesy of Elizabeth and Matthew James.

Transitioning to college and figuring out the rest of your life can be overwhelming. Matthew questioned his decision to study civil engineering and if that was his ideal career path. That all changed when he went on a study abroad trip to Rome.

Matthew was surrounded by many other like-minded engineers, which helped rekindle his passion for his degree. Exploring unique European cultures added to an unforgettable experience that solidified Matthew’s goals.

Not only did this trip shape Matthew’s career, but also introduced him to his future wife. Elizabeth, an industrial distribution major, was also on this overseas educational experience. All the puzzle pieces in Matthew's life started to connect, leading to an experience for which he and his family are forever grateful.

“This study abroad experience was priceless for Matthew, Elizabeth and our family,” Alan said.

Under a College Station Sun

The James family is now connected to Aggieland in a symbolic way through their scholarship. After being out of state, the James’ moved back to Texas in 1999 and have routinely ventured to Texas A&M as football season ticket holders. In 2021, they made College Station their permanent home.

Guiding the future generations of Aggies, Alan uses his industry experience to teach members of the Corps about leadership and prepare students for real-life experiences. For the past three years, he has been teaching drill and ceremonies cadets how to intentionally apply the knowledge he shares with them to their own lives and leadership positions. He embodies the core value of selfless service every day.

This gift is not only in honor of their son and daughter in-law, but also to cultivate a unique Aggie experience that will entice students to fall in love with their degree and future careers. The James’ are ecstatic to give back and be change-makers in the lives of College of Engineering students participating in study abroad opportunities.


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