American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AIChE)
The Texas A&M University Student Chapter of AIChE is dedicated to providing its members with experiences beyond the usual classroom education. As a professional society, we arrange opportunities for students to build a network of contacts in academia and in industry and to see the application of a Chemical Engineering degree in industry through plant trips.
As a student organization, we help develop leadership skills and give students the chance to improve their teamwork skills.
We are very proud of our college's curriculum and our professors. We also take great pride in our chapter. The 2011-2012 chapter was successful in continuing the excellent programs started in the past. The great generosity of our sponsors has allowed us to fulfill many of our goals. Our chapter looks forward to the opportunity to improve on past accomplishments. With great people as officers along with superb industry cooperation, the 2012-2013 school year looks to be a great one.
Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Association

Welcome to the Texas A&M Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Association (CheGSA). The objective of this association is to serve the interests and address concerns of the graduate students at the Texas A&M Department of Chemical Engineering.
The goals of this association shall be:
1) To foster a sense of community for current and former graduate students
2) To aid the professional development of the graduate students
3) To give graduate students an active voice in graduate student affairs
Omega Chi Epsilon - Chemical Engineering Honor Society
The purpose of the Texas A&M chapter of OXE is to recognize outstanding academic achievement in the Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering. This organization aims to bring motivated students together both socially and professionally to promote student faculty interaction as well as philanthropic endeavors.

The Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Student Advisory Council (USAC)
The Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Student Advisory Council (USAC) is an organization that serves as a liaison between students and faculty within the department. USAC's focus is on fostering better communication and understanding regarding decisions that affect broad groups of students through events such as town halls and surveys. In addition, members of USAC make periodic presentations to faculty members and an annual presentation to the industry advisory board. Students are elected from each class year and serve two-year terms.
Visit USAC Website.