- Professor, Chemical Engineering
- McFerrin Professor
- Phone: 979-862-4850
- FAX: 979-845-6446
- Email: hjeong7@tamu.edu
- Office: CHEN 233
- Website: Research Page

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota – 2004
- M.S., Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst – 2004
- M.S., Chemical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea – 1997
- B.S., Chemical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea – 1995
Research Interests
- Thin films and membranes of nanoporous materials such as zeolites and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)
- Membranes and membrane processes for gas separations
- Novel synthesis, structural engineering and scalable processing of nanostructured materials
Awards & Honors
- 2020 AIChE Institute Award for Excellence In Industrial Gases Technology
- 2019 Dean of Engineering Excellence Award
- 2016 KIChE US Chapter James M. Lee Award
- 2010 SLATE Teaching Excellence Award
- 2009 Celanese Teaching Excellence Award
- 2009 KIChE US Chapter Outstanding Young Investigator Award
- 2009 ACS PRF Young Investigator Award
- 2002 Graduate School Fellowship
Selected Publications
- F. Hillman, *M.R. Abul Hamid, P. Krokidas, S. Monchos, E.N. Brothers, I.G. Economou, and **H.-K. Jeong, “Delayed Linker Addition (DLA) synthesis for hybrid SOD ZIFs with unsubstituted imidazolate linkers for propylene/propane and i-butane/n-butane Separations”, Angew. Chemie. Int. Ed., 2021, 133(18), p10191-10199
- *S. Park and **H.-K. Jeong, “Highly H2O Permeable Ionic Liquid Encapsulated Metal-Organic Framework Membranes for Energy-efficient Air-Dehumidification”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8(44), 23645-23653
- *S. Park, *M.R. Abdul Hamid, and **H.-K. Jeong, “Highly Propylene-Selective Mixed-Matrix Membranes by In-situ MOF formation Using a Polymer-Modification Strategy”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11(29), 25949-25957
- *M. Lee, *H. Kwon, and **H.-K. Jeong, “High-Flux Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework ZIF-8 Membranes for Propylene/propane Separation via Post-synthetic Linker Exchange”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 56, p. 1-7
- *F. Hillman, *J.M. Zimmerman, S.-M. Paek, M.R. Abdul Hamid, W. Lim, and H.-K. Jeong, “Rapid Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Hybrid Zeolitic-Imidazolate Frameworks (ZIFs) with Mixed Metals and Mixed Linkers”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, p6090-6099