- Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Phone: 979-458-4514
- Email: kravaris@tamu.edu
- Office: CHEN 236

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology – 1984
- M.S., Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology – 1981
- Diploma, Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece – 1979
Research Interests
- Process control
- State observers
- Fault detection and isolation
Selected Publications
- C. Kravaris and I. K. Kookos, “Understanding Process Dynamics and Control”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2021.
- C. Kravaris and S. Venkateswaran, “Functional Observers with Linear Error Dynamics for Nonlinear Systems”, Systems Control Lett., 157 (2021), 105021.
- J. Ariamuthu Venkidasalapathy and C. Kravaris, “Hidden Markov Model Based Approach for Diagnosing Cause of Alarm Signals”, AIChE J., 67 (2021), e17297.
- S. Venkateswaran, Q. Liu, B. Wilhite and C. Kravaris, "Design of linear residual generators for fault detection and isolation in nonlinear systems", Internat. J. Control 95 (2022), pp. 804-820.
- C. Ling and C. Kravaris, “Multi-Rate Sampled-Data Observer Design Based on a Continuous-Time Design”, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 64 (2019), pp. 5265-5272.