- Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Bryan Research and Engineering Chair in Chemical Engineering
- Managing Director, TEES Gas and Fuels Research Center
- Phone: 979-845-3484
- FAX: 979-845-6446
- Email: el-halwagi@tamu.edu
- Office: CHEN 229
- Website: Research Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles – 1990
- M.S., Cairo University – 1986
- B.S., Cairo University – 1984
Research Interests
- Sustainable design of industrial processes
- Process integration, intensification, simulation, and optimization
- Process safety and resilience
- Energy systems and green energy carriers
- Hydrocarbon processing, chemical process industries, and integrated biorefineries
- Industrial ecology
- Water management
- Decarbonization
Awards & Honors
- 2023 The American Institute of Chemical Engineers Fuels and Petrochemicals Division (AIChE F&PD) Award
- 2022 • The Trevor Kletz Merit Award, Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety center
- 2020 Computing in Chemical Engineering Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers' Computing and Systems Technology Division (AIChE CAST)
- 2014 Fellow, American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- 2009 The American Institute of Chemical Engineers Sustainable Engineering Forum (AIChE SEF) Research Excellence Award
- 1994 The National Science Foundation's National Young Investigator Award
Selected Publications
- Chrisandina, N.J., Vedant, S., Iakovou, E., Pistikopoulos, E.N. and El-Halwagi, M.M., 2022. Multi-scale Integration for Enhanced Resilience of Sustainable Energy Supply Chains: Perspectives and Challenges. Computers & Chemical Engineering, p.107891. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2022.107891
- Atilhan, S., S. Park, M. M. El-Halwagi, M. Atilhan, M. Moore, and R. B. Nielsen, “Green Hydrogen as an Alternative Fuel for the Shipping Industry”, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Vol. 31, 100668 (2021)
- Guillen-Cuevas, K., A. P. Ortiz-Espinoza, E. Ozinan, A. Jiménez-Gutiérrez, N. K. Kazantzis, M. M. El-Halwagi, “Incorporation of Safety and Sustainability in Conceptual Design via A Return on Investment Metric “, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 6, 1411-1416 (2018), DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b03802, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coche.2020.100668
- Panu, M., K. Topolski, S. Abrash, and M. M. El-Halwagi, “CO2 Footprint Reduction via the Optimal Design of Carbon-Hydrogen-Oxygen SYmbiosis Networks (CHOSYNs)”, Chem. Eng. Sci., 203, 1-11 (2019)
- El-Halwagi, M. M., “Sustainable Design through Process Integration: Fundamentals and Applications to Industrial Pollution Prevention, Resource Conservation, and Profitability Enhancement”, Second Edition, IChemE/Elsevier (2017)