Our laboratories and facilities are second to none, and we are widely recognized as one of the best-equipped nuclear engineering programs in the country. We are one of only three university nuclear engineering departments in the United States with access to two nuclear reactors for teaching and research, including a 1-megawatt reactor operated by the Texas Engineering Experiment Station's Nuclear Engineering and Science Center.
We have listed our laboratories and other facilities on this page, many with links to more information. You can find a list of our centers and institutes on a separate page.
Department Labs and Facilities
- Accelerator Laboratory
- Computing Facilities
- Fuel Cycle and Materials Laboratory (FCML)
- Nuclear Heat Transfer Systems Laboratory
- Nuclear Engineering & Science Center (NESC), 1-megawatt TRIGA reactor
- Nuclear Power Plant Simulator Engineering Lab
- Radiation Detection Measurement Laboratory
- Scientific Machine Learning for Advanced Reactor Technologies (SMART) Lab
- Systems Radiobiology Laboratory (TIPS Joint-Facility)
- Thermal-Hydraulic Research Laboratory