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Not all donations to the Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering involve funding.

Software donations play a key role in our classrooms. They allow our students to get hands-on training with applications created for the oil and gas industry. These educational software grants, or licensing agreements, also benefit the donating company by allowing future petroleum engineers to train with and use their software. That way, these young engineers know the strengths and usefulness of the products.

 If your company would like to donate software for educational purposes, please contact


2025 Donations

Petex logoPE Limited provided educational licenses for their IPM software suite. This software does well modeling and design, reservoir analytical simulation, fluid depiction, and multiphase network optimization. Specialized reservoir simulators and combined production controllers also use this software. The value of this donation is $3,816,620.08.

2024 Donations

Petex logoPetroleum Experts provided educational licenses for their IPM software suite. This software does well modeling and design, reservoir analytical simulation, fluid depiction, and multiphase network optimization. Specialized reservoir simulators and combined production controllers also use this software. The value of this donation is $3,816,620.08.

 2023 Donations

Petex logoPetroleum Experts provided educational licenses for their IPM software suite. This software does well modeling and design, reservoir analytical simulation, fluid depiction, and multiphase network optimization. Specialized reservoir simulators and combined production controllers also use this software. The value of this donation is $3,816,620.08.

2022 Donations

datagration solutions inc. logoDatagration Solutions Inc. donated their premiere software package, PetroVisor, to our department at no charge. Their donation also included training for relevant faculty instructors and two completion optimization datasets for teaching and training. The value of this donation is over $250,000.

Petex logoPetroleum Experts provided educational licenses for their IPM software suite. This software does well modeling and design, reservoir analytical simulation, fluid depiction, and multiphase network optimization. Specialized reservoir simulators and combined production controllers also use this software. The value of this donation is $3,074,877.12.

2021 Donations

Petex logo

Petroleum Experts provided educational licenses for their IPM software suite. This software does well modeling and design, reservoir analytical simulation, fluid depiction, and multiphase network optimization. Specialized reservoir simulators and combined production controllers also use this software. The value of this donation is $2,472,904.88.

2020 Donations

Petex logo

Petroleum Experts provided educational licenses for their IPM software suite. This software does well modeling and design, reservoir analytical simulation, fluid depiction, and multiphase network optimization. Specialized reservoir simulators and combined production controllers also use this software. The value of this donation is $2,472,904.88.