- Associate Professor, Petroleum Engineering
- Larry A. Cress '76 Faculty Fellow
- Phone: 979-845-2205
- Email: jihoon.kim@tamu.edu
- Office: RICH 407K

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
- M.S., Civil, Urban, and Geosystem Engineering, Seoul National University
- B.S., Civil, Urban, and Geosystem Engineering, Seoul National University
Research Interests
- Coupled flow and geomechanics in hydrate, shale and tight gas, and geothermal reservoirs
- Hydraulic fracturing, hydro-shearing, and coupled geomechanical-geophysical modeling
- Reservoir simulation and computational geomechanics
Awards & Honors
- Director's Award for Exceptional Achievement, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – 2012
Selected Publications
- Kim J., Tchelepi H.A., Juanes R., 2013, Rigorous Coupling of Geomechanics and Multiphase Flow with Strong Capillarity., SPE Journal, 18(6): 1591-1606
- Kim J., Sonnenthal E., Rutqvist J., 2012, Formulation and Sequential Numerical Algorithms of Coupled Fluid/heat Flow and Geomechanics for Multiple Porosity Materials., International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering., 92: 425-456.
- Kim J., Tchelepi H.A., Juanes R., 2011, Stability and Convergence of Sequential Methods for Coupled Flow and Geomechanics: Fixed-stress and Fixed-strain Splits., Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200: 1591-1606.