- Assistant Department Head, Staff Administration, Petroleum Engineering
- Director, Online Learning, Petroleum Engineering
- Professor, Petroleum Engineering
- Baker Hughes Endowed Chair
- Affiliated Faculty, Chemical Engineering
- Phone: 979-845-0314
- Email: barrufet@tamu.edu
- Office: RICH 401P

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University - 1987
- M.S., Chemical Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Salta Argentina - 1983
- B.S., Chemical Engineer, Universidad Nacional de Salta Argentina - 1979
Research Interests
- Integration of capillary pressure and thermodynamics to evaluate properties of confined reservoir fluids
- Reservoir simulation of near-critical fluids, hydrocarbon characterization methods, and simplified methods to model gravitational gradients in compositional reservoir simulation
- Equations of state (EOS) for multiphase equilibria. Liquid-liquid-vapor equilibrium in steam flooding processes and solid-liquid-gas equilibria in asphaltene and wax precipitation
- Enhanced oil recovery: thermodynamics and transport phenomena applied to chemical, miscible, and thermal recovery processes
- Analytical and numerical modeling of CO2 storage and capture
- Multiphase flow, flow assurance and leak detection methods
Certifications & Memberships
- Distinguished Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers - 2013
- Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers
- Member, Omega Chi Epsilon Honor Society of Chemical Engineers
Awards & Honors
- Charles Crawford Distinguished Service Award, Texas A&M University - 2006, 2012-2013
- Faculty Fellow, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station - 2004-2005
- Assessing Technology in Teaching Award, Office of Distance Education - 2004
Selected Publications
- Ariwibowo, R. and Barrufet, M.A. 2017. Mechanistic Decline Curves for Gas-Condensate Reservoirs: Model Development. Paper presented at the SPE Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-19 May.
- Tovar, F.D., Barrufet, M.A. and Schechter, D.S. 2017. Non-Destructive Measurement of Porosity, Compressibility and Gas Sorption in Core Plugs from the Wolfcamp Shale. Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE-185604-MS
- Alfi, M., An, C., Cao, Y., Yan, B., Barrufet, M.A. and Killough, J.E. 2017. Pore Size Variability and Sieving Effect in Liquid ShaleA Multiple Permeability Approach and Eagle Ford Case Study. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Montgomery, Texas, USA, 20-22 February.
- Rahnema, H., Barrufet, M., Mamora, D.D. 2017. Combustion assisted gravity drainageExperimental and simulation results of a promising in-situ combustion technology to recover extra-heavy oil. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Elsevier. January 2017.
- Stimpson, B.C. and Barrufet, M.A. 2016. Effects of Confined Space on Production from Tight Reservoirs. Paper SPE 181686 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, 26-28 September.