- Department Head, Petroleum Engineering
- Professor, Petroleum Engineering
- Robert L. Whiting Professor
- Phone: 979-845-2292
- Email: t-blasingame@tamu.edu
- Office: RICH 407C
- Website: Course Data

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University – 1989
- M.S., Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University – 1986
- B.S., Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University – 1984
Research Interests
- Unconventional reservoirs
- Production data analysis
- Pressure transient data analysis
- Petroleum reservoir engineering
- Technical mathematics
- Well testing/analysis of reservoir performance (specialized analysis techniques and model-based analysis)
- Unconventional Reservoirs (Ultra-low permeability sands/shales) including rate-time analysis and modeling
- Field studies/performance analysis of tight gas/shale gas reservoir systems and correlation of performance with completion parameters
Certifications & Memberships
- Honorary Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers – 2015
- Distinguished Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers – 2000
Awards & Honors
- President, Society of Petroleum Engineers - 2020-2021
- William Keeler Memorial Award-Service, Texas A&M University College of Engineering - 2020
- DeGolyer Distinguished Service Medal, Society of Petroleum Engineers - 2013
- Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal, Society of Petroleum Engineers - 2012
- Lester C. Uren Award, Society of Petroleum Engineers - 2006
Selected Publications
- Pitakbunkate, T., Balbuena, P., Moridis, G.J., and Blasingame, T.A. 2014. Effect of Confinement on PVT Properties of Hydrocarbons in Shale Reservoirs. SPE paper 170685 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held 2729 October in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (SJ-0315-0059, accepted for publication on 06 May 2015).
- Odunowo, T.O., Moridis, G.J., Blasingame, T.A., Olorode, O.M., & Freeman, C.M. 2014. Evaluation of Well Performance for the Slot-Drill Completion in Low- and Ultralow-Permeability Oil and Gas Reservoirs. SPE Journal, Vol. 19, Issue 05, October 2014. doi:10.2118/164547-PA.
- Collins, P.W., Ilk, D., and Blasingame, T.A. 2014. Practical Considerations for Forecasting Production Data in Unconventional Reservoirs Variable Pressure Case. SPE paper 170945 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held 2729 October 2014 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Pitakbunkate, T., Balbuena, P., Moridis, G.J., and Blasingame, T.A. 2014. Effect of Confinement on PVT Properties of Hydrocarbons in Shale Reservoirs. SPE paper 170685 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held 2729 October 2014 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.