Faculty expertise from both power systems and power electronics is frequently combined in research activities. Power systems research is performed in the areas of analysis, reliability, monitoring, control and protection of power systems. Some of the faculty also have a strong interest in control systems, digital signal processing, data communications, and intelligent system applications. Power electronics research is performed in the areas of motor drives, power electronic converters, utility interface issues, active filters and electric and hybrid vehicles. Some of the faculty also have a strong interest in power quality and diagnostics of electrical machines.
Two major efforts constitute the program:
- Power Systems
- Power Electronics
Electric Machines and Power Electronics (EMPE) Laboratory
Power Electronics & Motor Drives Laboratory
Power Engineering Laboratory
Power System Automation Laboratory
Power System Control and Protection Laboratory
Renewable Energy and Advanced Power Electronics Research Laboratory
Faculty Members
Thomas Overbye
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- O'Donnell Foundation Chair III
- Director, Smart Grid Center
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- Office: WEB 308C
- Phone: 979-458-5001
- Email: overbye@tamu.edu

Robert S. Balog
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Affiliated Faculty, Multidisciplinary Engineering
- Fellow, National Academy of Inventors
- Office: WEB 205D
- Phone: 979-862-4985
- Email: rbalog@tamu.edu

Miroslav M. Begovic
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Moore Professor
- Office: WEB 320E
- Phone: 979-862-1553
- Email: begovic@tamu.edu

Adam Birchfield
- Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 215E
- Phone: 979-862-2545
- Email: abirchfield@tamu.edu

Karen L. Butler-Purry
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Raytheon Company Professorship
- Office: WEB 334F
- Phone: 979-847-9048
- Email: klbutler@tamu.edu

Xin Chen
- Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 215F
- Phone: 979-845-7469
- Email: xin_chen@tamu.edu

Katherine Davis
- Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: WEB 214H
- Phone: 979-458-5093
- Email: katedavis@tamu.edu

Mehrdad "Mark" Ehsani
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Robert M. Kennedy '26 Professor I
- Office: WEB 205N
- Phone: 979-845-7582
- Email: m-ehsani@tamu.edu

Prasad Enjeti
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Texas Instruments Jack Kilby Chair
- Office: WEB 301F
- Phone: 979-845-7466
- Email: enjeti@tamu.edu

Mladen Kezunovic
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Regents Professor
- Eugene E. Webb Professor
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- University Distinguished Professor
- Office: WEB 323C
- Phone: 979-845-7509
- Email: kezunov@ece.tamu.edu

Sandip Roy
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Director, Global Cyber Research Institute
- Office: WEB 224H
- Phone: 979-845-7476
- Email: sandip@tamu.edu

B. Don Russell
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- TEES Eminent Chair Professor
- Harry E. Bovay, Jr. Chair
- Engineering Research Chair Professor
- Regents Professor
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- Office: WEB 238
- Phone: 979-845-7912
- Email: bdrussell@tamu.edu

Chanan Singh
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Regents Professor
- Irma Runyon Chair
- University Distinguished Professor
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- Office: WEB 320C
- Phone: 979-845-7589
- Email: singh@ece.tamu.edu

Hamid A. Toliyat
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Robert Kennedy '26 Chair
- Office: WEB 237C
- Phone: 979-862-3034
- Email: toliyat@tamu.edu