Many advanced technologies are enabled by materials with various different functions as a result of their magnetic, thermal, optical, electrical, and electronic properties. Examples include semiconducting, ferroelectric, ferroelastic, thermoelectric, and magnetic materials or materials with energy conversion or storage functions. In certain materials, more than one function is in play to convert one form of energy to another, for instance, magnetic to thermal. These materials are usually called multifunctional. Our faculty and students work on designing, synthesizing, and processing functional materials that can adapt their properties based on external stimuli. The goals are to understand the roles of structure and chemistry in determining functional properties under various different external fields (thermal, magnetic, electrical, optical, etc.) and to accurately predict their properties to design functional devices.
Core Faculty
Raymundo Arróyave
- Associate Department Head for Research, Materials Science & Engineering
- Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- Chevron Professor II
- Presidential Impact Fellow
- Chancellor EDGES Fellow
- Engineering Dean’s Research Fellow
- Office: RDMC 216
- Phone: 979-845-5416
- Email:

Ibrahim Karaman
- Department Head, Materials Science & Engineering
- Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- Regents Professor
- Chevron Professor I
- Office: RDMC 245
- Phone: 979-862-3923
- Email:

Linda Katehi
- Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
- O'Donnell Foundation Chair II
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- Office: WEB 205C
- Phone: 979-458-6556
- Email:

Dimitris Lagoudas
- Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
- University Distinguished Professor
- Robert C. “Bud” Hagner Chair of Engineering
- Office: HRBB 517, RDMC 300F
- Phone: 979-458-1378
- Email:

Pao-Tai Lin
- Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
- Director, Mid-Infrared Integrated Photonics and Remote Sensing (MiPRoS) Laboratory
- Office: WEB 214F
- Phone: 979-458-8223
- Email:

Yuxuan "Cosmi" Lin
- Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
- Affiliated Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: RDMC 214
- Phone: 979-458-6889
- Email:

Emily Pentzer
- Affiliated Faculty, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
- Associate Dean for Research, College of Arts & Sciences
- Professor, Department of Chemistry
- Presidential Impact Fellow, Texas A&M University
- Phone: 979-458-1048
- Email:

Xiaofeng Qian
- Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- AZZ Inc. Fellow
- Affiliated Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: RDMC 224
- Phone: 979-458-9843
- Email:

Patrick Shamberger
- Director of Undergraduate Programs, Materials Science & Engineering
- Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- AZZ Inc. Fellow
- Office: RDMC 227
- Phone: 979-458-1086
- Email:

Svetlana A. Sukhishvili
- Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- Director, Soft Matter Facility
- Office: RDMC 219
- Phone: 979-458-9840
- Email:

Qing Tu
- Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- Office: RDMC 210
- Phone: 979-458-9353
- Email: