Quantum Materials are expected to play pivotal roles in the second quantum revolution for understanding exotic quantum phenomena and manipulating quantum states by harvesting quantum coherence, entanglement, and topology. They may bring unprecedented applications in advanced quantum metrology, quantum sensing, quantum information and processing, and revolutionizing the design and discovery of materials and chemicals. The multidisciplinary research of Quantum Materials in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering bridges materials physics with chemistry, theory, and experiment in close collaboration with faculty in other departments and colleges at Texas A&M University as well as other universities. The research themes include:
- Functional defects and artificial structures with on-demand single-photon emission for photonic quantum applications.
- Novel nonlinear optical materials and structures for ultrafast nonlinear optics, nonlinear biosensing and imaging, efficient generation of entangled photon pairs for quantum computing and quantum sensing, and all-optical transistor and computer.
- Topological quantum materials where nontrivial topology offers potential routes to protect quantum states with potential applications in low-dissipation quantum electronics and quantum computing.
- Artificial nanostructures and patterns such as Moiré superlattices where electronic states can be delicately controlled for understanding and manipulating correlation in the quantum state of matter.
Core Faculty
Raymundo Arróyave
- Associate Department Head for Research, Materials Science & Engineering
- Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- Chevron Professor II
- Presidential Impact Fellow
- Chancellor EDGES Fellow
- Engineering Dean’s Research Fellow
- Office: RDMC 216
- Phone: 979-845-5416
- Email: rarroyave@tamu.edu

Pao-Tai Lin
- Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
- Director, Mid-Infrared Integrated Photonics and Remote Sensing (MiPRoS) Laboratory
- Office: WEB 214F
- Phone: 979-458-8223
- Email: paolin@tamu.edu

Yuxuan "Cosmi" Lin
- Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
- Affiliated Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: RDMC 214
- Phone: 979-458-6889
- Email: yxclin@tamu.edu

Xiaofeng Qian
- Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- AZZ Inc. Fellow
- Affiliated Faculty, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Office: RDMC 224
- Phone: 979-458-9843
- Email: feng@tamu.edu

Patrick Shamberger
- Director of Undergraduate Programs, Materials Science & Engineering
- Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
- AZZ Inc. Fellow
- Office: RDMC 227
- Phone: 979-458-1086
- Email: patrick.shamberger@tamu.edu