In collaboration with Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Program organizers: Dr. Pavel Tsvetkov
This program presents the fundamentals and importance of nuclear criticality safety with respect to nuclear R&D operations, exposing students to the criticality safety discipline and helping prepare them for a future career in the field.
The program is designed to create a pipeline of nuclear criticality safety engineers to U.S. national laboratories and industry. Initiated with support from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), participating students are encouraged to apply for an internship at LANL’S Nuclear Criticality Safety Division.
What is Nuclear Criticality Safety?
Nuclear Criticality Safety is the prevention of unwanted nuclear chain reactions in fissile materials through technical and administrative control measures.
Topics covered
Fall semester:-
Intro to NCS
Fundamentals of Criticality Safety
Historical Criticality Accidents
Hand Calculations
MCNP Intro, Practical Use
Critical Experiments
MCNP Validation
- Project
- Review of Previous Semester
- CFR/DOE Regulations/Standards
- ANS Standards
- Hazards Analysis
- CSE Writing, - Process Description, Process Analysis, Calculations, Control Selection
- CSE Project
- Project Time - LANL Interface
U.S. Department of Energy's Nuclear Criticality Safety Program Website
Nuclear Criticality Safety Textbook