Research Faculty
Thomas R. Ioerger
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 438
- Phone: 979-458-5518
- Email:

Shuiwang Ji
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Truchard Family Endowed Chair
- Presidential Impact Fellow
- Chancellor EDGES Fellow
- Office: PETR 305
- Phone: 979-458-1547
- Email:

Sing-Hoi Sze
- Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 427
- Phone: 979-845-5009
- Email:

Shawna Thomas
- Instructional Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Undergraduate Advisor
- Office: PETR 319 | Advising: EABA 104
- Phone: 979-862-8877
- Email:

Courses Offered
CSCE 628/BICH 628. Computational Biology. Credits 3. 3 Lecture HoursIntroduction to computational biology; formulations of biology problems as computational problems; computational approaches to solve problems in genomics and proteomics. Prerequisite: Graduate classification or approval of instructor. |