Research Faculty
Riccardo Bettati
- Associate Department Head, Computer Science & Engineering
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 102B
- Phone: 979-845-5469
- Email:

Dilma Da Silva
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Ford Motor Company Design Professor II
- Regents Professor
- Office: PETR 227
- Phone: 979-458-8008
- Email:

Jeff Huang
- Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 236
- Phone: 979-845-5485
- Email:

Daniel A. Jiménez
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 205
- Phone: 979-845-2434
- Email:

Lawrence Rauchwerger
- Emeritus Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: HRBB 417A
- Phone: 979-845-8872
- Email:

Radu Stoleru
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 324
- Phone: 979-862-8349
- Email:

Chia-Che Tsai
- Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 228
- Phone: 979-845-4460
- Email:

Courses Offered
CSCE 604. Programming Languages. Credits 3. 3 Lecture HoursStudy in the design space of programming languages, covering language processing, formalisms to describe semantics of programming languages, important concepts found in current programming languages, and programming paradigms. Prerequisite: Graduate classification. |
CSCE 605. Compiler Design. Credits 3. 3 Lecture HoursAdvanced topics in compiler writing; parser generators and compiler-compilers; dynamic storage and scope resolution; data flow analysis and code optimization. Prerequisite: CSCE 434. |
CSCE 611. Operating Systems and Applications. Credits 3. 3 Lecture HoursReview of computer architecture hardware/software evolution leading to contemporary operating systems; basic operating systems concepts; methods of operating systems design and construction; algorithms for CPU scheduling memory and general resource allocation; process coordination and management; case studies of several operating systems; quality-of-services of operating systems and their impact on applications. No credit will be given for both CSCE 410 and CSCE 611. Prerequisite: CSCE 313; graduate classification. |
CSCE 613. Operating Systems. Credits 3. 3 Lecture HoursAnalysis of algorithms in computer operating systems; sequencing and control algorithms supporting concurrent processes; scheduling algorithms to minimize execution times and mean flow times; algorithms for allocating tasks to processors; allocation of memory (virtual and real); direct access device schedules; auxiliary and buffer storage models. |
CSCE 614. Computer Architecture. Credits 3. 3 Lecture HoursReviews of von Neumann architecture and its limitations; parallel computer structures and concurrent computation; pipeline computers and vectorization methods; array processors, multiprocessor architectures and programming; dataflow computers. Prerequisite: CSCE 350/ECEN 350/ECEN 350/CSCE 350. |
CSCE 654. Supercomputing. Credits 3. 3 Lecture HoursPrinciples of high-performance scientific computing systems, vectorization, programming on supercomputers, numerical methods for supercomputers, performance measuring of supercomputers, multitasking. Prerequisite: CSCE 614. |
CSCE 663. Real-Time Systems. Credits 3. 3 Lecture HoursTaxonomy of real-time computer systems; scheduling algorithms for static and dynamic real-time tasks; hard real-time communications protocols; programming languages and environments for real-time systems; case studies of real-time operating systems. Prerequisite: CSCE 313, and CSCE 463 or CSCE 611, or approval of instructor. |