Research Faculty
Dilma Da Silva
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Ford Motor Company Design Professor II
- Regents Professor
- Office: PETR 227
- Phone: 979-458-8008
- Email:

Tim Davis
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 235
- Phone: 979-845-4094
- Email:

Jeff Huang
- Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 236
- Phone: 979-845-5485
- Email:

Zbigniew Leyk
- Professor of Practice, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 117
- Phone: 979-845-4908
- Email:

Dmitri Loguinov
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 209
- Phone: 979-845-0512
- Email:

Abdullah Muzahid
- Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 206
- Phone: 979-458-1059
- Email:

Khanh Nguyen
- Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 229
- Phone: 979-458-1904
- Email:

Lawrence Rauchwerger
- Emeritus Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: HRBB 417A
- Phone: 979-845-8872
- Email:

Vivek Sarin
- Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Undergraduate Advisor
- Office: PETR 415 | Advising: EABA 102
- Phone: 979-845-4087
- Email:

Radu Stoleru
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 324
- Phone: 979-862-8349
- Email:

Shawna Thomas
- Instructional Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Undergraduate Advisor
- Office: PETR 319 | Advising: EABA 104
- Phone: 979-862-8877
- Email:

Courses Offered
CSCE 662. Distributed Processing Systems. Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours
Principles and practices of distributed processing; protocols, remote procedure calls; file sharing; reliable system design; load balancing; distributed database systems; protection and security; implementation.
Prerequisite: CSCE 313 and CSCE 463 or CSCE 612
CSCE 664. Wireless and Mobile Systems. Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours
Wireless and mobile systems; wireless communication fundamentals; wireless medium access control design; transmission scheduling; network and transport protocols over wireless design, simulation and evaluation; wireless capacity; telecommunication systems; vehicular, adhoc, and sensor network systems; wireless security; mobile applications.
Prerequisite: CSCE 463 or CSCE 464 or approval of instructor
CSCE 668. Distributed Algorithms and Systems. Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours
Introduction to fundamental algorithmic results in distributed computing systems; leader election, mutual exclusion, consensus, logical time and causality, distributed snapshots, algorithmic fault tolerance, shared memory, clock synchronization.
Prerequisite: CSCE 411 or equivalent or approval of instructor