Research Faculty
Nima Kalantari
- Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 406
- Phone: 979-862-4251
- Email:

John Keyser
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Graduate Advisor
- Office: PETR 408 | Advising: EABA 114
- Phone: 979-458-0167
- Email:

Scott Schaefer
- Department Head, Computer Science & Engineering
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Lynn '84 and Bill Crane '83 Department Head Chair
- Office: PETR 102E
- Phone: 979-845-5820
- Email:

Shinjiro Sueda
- Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
- Office: PETR 405
- Phone: 979-845-4893
- Email:

Courtesy Appointment
Ergun Akleman
- Affiliated Faculty, Computer Science & Engineering
- Professor, Visualization Discipline, School of Performance, Visualization & Fine Arts
- Office: Langford A105
- Phone: 979-845-6599
- Email:

Courses Offered
CSCE 627. Theory of Computability. Credits 3. 3 Lecture HoursFormal models of computation such as push down automata; Turing machines and recursive functions; unsolvability results; complexity of solvable results. Prerequisite: CSCE 433. |
CSCE 637. Complexity Theory. Credits 3.3 Lecture Hours.Deterministic, non-deterministic, alternating and probabilistic computations; reducibilities; P, NP and other complexity classes; abstract complexity; time, space and parallel complexity; and relativized computation. Prerequisite: CSCE 627 or approval of instructor. |
CSCE 641/VIZA 672. Computer Graphics. Credits 3. 3 Lecture HoursRepresentations of 3-dimensional objects, including polyhedral objects, curved surfaces, volumetric representations and CSG models; techniques for hidden surface/edge removal and volume rendering; illumination and shading; anti-aliasing; ray tracing; radiosity; animation; practical experience with state-of-the-art graphics hardware and software. Prerequisite: CSCE 441. |
CSCE 645/VIZA 675. Geometric Modeling. Credits 3. 3 Lecture HoursGeometric and solid modeling concepts. Freeform curves and surfaces (splines and Bezier) with their relational, intersectional and global mathematical properties. Parametric representation of solids, topology of closed curved surfaces, boundary concepts and Boolean/Euler operators. Construction and display of curves and surfaces, and solid models. Prerequisite: CSCE 441 and CSCE 442 or equivalent. |
CSCE 646/VIZA 654. The Digital Image. Credits 4. 3 Lecture Hours. 2 Lab Hours.Tools and techniques for generation, handling and analysis of two dimensional digital images; image representation and storage; display, media conversion, painting and drawing; warping; color space operations, enhancement, filtering and manipulation. Prerequisite: Graduate classification or approval of instructor. |
CSCE 647/VIZA 656. Image Synthesis. Credits 4. 3 Lecture Hours. 2 Lab Hours.Principles of image synthesis from 3-D scene descriptions; includes local and global illumination, shading, shadow determination, hidden surface elimination, texturing, raster graphics algorithms, transformations and projects. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. |
CSCE 648/VIZA 657. Computer Aided Sculpting. Credits 3. 2 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.Mathematical and artistic principles of 3-D modeling and sculpting; includes proportions, skeletal foundation, expression and posture, line of action; curves, surfaces and volumes, interpolation and approximation, parametric and rational parametric polynomials, constructive solid geometry, and implicit representations. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. |
CSCE 649/VIZA 659. Physically-Based Modeling. Credits 3. 2 Lecture Hours. 2 Lab HoursPhysical simulation as used in choreography, geometric modeling, and the creation of special effects in computer graphics: a variety of problems and techniques explored which may include particle-methods, modeling and simulation of flexible materials, kinematics and constraint systems. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. |